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Joseph P. McMenamin, MD, JD, FCLM
W Medical Strategy Group

Partner, Christian & Barton, LLP

From the Editor-in-Chief

In literature and in art, a “theme” is an idea that recurs in or pervades the work. A theme might be perseverance, or revenge, or amor vincit omnia, love conquers all. In a periodical such as our journal, a “theme issue” includes works with some common denominator such as a topic, or some characteristic of the writers. Often, this approach allows a more penetrating analysis of a topic, such as health and migration, for example.

Decades ago, the Medical Society of Virginia published a journal called Virginia Medical Quarterly. VMQ did not survive the rise of electronic newsletters, but for its time it was an effective mechanism for the Society to serve its members and to promote its ideas. I had the honor to serve as the medico-legal editor, so I was to write pieces on legal topics relevant to doctors. Besides my contribution, an issue of VMQ would typically include a couple of articles on clinical topics, one or two on political issues affecting medical practice in the Commonwealth, at least one on some aspect of the business of medicine, and often a philosophical reflection from a graybeard at one of our academic centers or in practice. I enjoyed the publication; I think most readers did.

One day in 1996 editor Edwin Kendig, MD, a retired pediatrician and a lovely man, brought in all the Editorial Board members for a meeting in Richmond. Our readers may have difficulty believing it, but that was how business was conducted in those days. No one had a computer or a cell phone; Zoom would have been seen as science fiction. Dr. Kendig announced that we would publish a theme issue–on telemedicine. I spoke up: “Great. What’s telemedicine?” I had never heard the word. Dr. Kendig explained the concept, briefly, and set us to work.

I began to read about this new and, to me at the time, revolutionary idea. I discovered that the field was chock-full of challenging legal issues for few of which had we reliable answers. I became intrigued, and my curiosity grew. Today, digital health is one of the main pillars of my practice; Dr. Kendig’s decision changed my life.

We make no prediction that our new issue will have the same effect on you. We do think, though, that we have assembled a coterie of thoughtful contributors and talented writers, to illuminate one of the most noteworthy features of our healthcare system: the centrality of IMGs. It is difficult to imagine that we could serve the public without them, in fact. It seems fitting that in this nation of immigrants, NexBioHealth should highlight these professionals, who bring so much to American healthcare.

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