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Dear Dr. Chul Hyun,

Congratulations on launching NexBioHealth Publication!!.

As Medicine and its endeavors keeps on changing, the publication which started as World Korean Medical Journal over 10 years ago and then evolved to World Asian Medical Journal continues its ascent as NexBioHealth. Nexus meaning connection and linking is an appropriate new name for the publication linking medicine to industry, politics, trends and most importantly people.

The people featured are an interesting cross section of medicine which feature not just the triple threat physician of clinician, researcher and educators but also entrepreneurship, leadership, mavericks and innovators. These successful people in modern parlance are “influencers”. Recently, I gave a talk on AI in medicine. While AI possesses incredible processing power and can “think” in terms of data and analysis, it lacks the uniquely human qualities of behavior, creativity, dreams, aspiration, and innovation. These traits are essential to what drives human progress and medical breakthroughs. As the former President of both the Korean American Medical Association and the World Korean Medical Organization, I had the opportunity to travel to distant places, including North Korea, and meet exceptionally bright, energetic individuals who are pushing boundaries in their fields. NexBioHealth serves as a platform that connects leaders, allowing them to inspire others and foster innovation in ways that break new ground.

As the proliferation of information continues, NexBioHealth will fill a crucial gap, providing content that is not only interesting and informative but also naturally intelligent. I’m excited about the upcoming launch and look forward to expanding our horizons together.

David Ko, MD
Chief of Neurology
Loma Linda VA Medical Center

President, Korean American Medical Association (2014–2015)
President, World Korean Medical Organization (2017–2022)