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Congratulatory Message from Jamie Metzl, JD, PhD
Dear Dr. Chul Hyun, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations on the launch of NexBioHealth, the new evolution of the World Asian Medical Journal (WAMJ). Expanding your reach from Asia to a global audience
Congratulatory Message from Samuel Greengard
Dear Dr. Chul Hyun, Congratulations on the launch of NexBioHealth. The digital revolution has arrived, and it is fundamentally reshaping medicine and healthcare. Artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, connected devices, smart watches, smartphone apps and new
Congratulatory Message from David Ko, MD
Dear Dr. Chul Hyun, Congratulations on launching NexBioHealth Publication!!. As Medicine and its endeavors keeps on changing, the publication which started as World Korean Medical Journal over 10 years ago and then evolved to World