The Evolution of RPM: Societal Drivers, Technology, Economics, and Opportunities
The Evolution of RPM: Societal Drivers, Technology, Economics, and Opportunities Chet Thaker CEO, TeleBright Software Corporation Chet Thaker, an entrepreneur with a focus on utilizing technology to solve complex problems, reflects on the rapidly changing
Heart Team Approach
Heart Team Approach Mun Hong, MD, MHCM, FACC Mun Hong, MD, MHCM, FACC, a highly esteemed interventional cardiologist, addresses one of the most pressing challenges in modern medicine—advanced cardiovascular conditions such as severe coronary artery
Debbie’s Dream Foundation: Pioneering Advocacy and Research in the Fight Against Stomach Cancer
Debbie’s Dream Foundation: Pioneering Advocacy and Research in the Fight Against Stomach Cancer Interview with Andrea Eidelman CEO, Debbie's Dream Foundation(DDF) Stomach cancer, though less common in the U.S. compared to other cancers, remains one
Sustaining the Healthcare Workforce: Combating Physician and Nurse Shortages in America
Sustaining the Healthcare Workforce: Combating Physician and Nurse Shortages in America Larry I. Slatky, Healthcare Consultatn (Advisor, W Medical Strategy Group) The United States faces an escalating crisis in healthcare: a severe shortage of physicians,